Give it a Shot

February 19, 2021

How many of you have already receivedYour Covid 19 Vaccine shot…

In mid-January…when NJ first announced
They were going to start making appointments
To get the vaccine shot

My wife and I sat on the computer and started…Surfing the net for information
On a beautiful Saturday afternoon
My wife and I were heading at the door
To take a walk around the Cooper River
When my cell rang…

Our friend Kathy told us she got an appointment
We immediately turned around and ran back into the house…And got online…

What’s the name of that site…
She emailed us the link…

Once on the site…We started looking at all the available dates 
Hey…here’s one for Feb 18th 
We started filling out the registration and the computer froze…

Are you kidding me
We had to refresh and start all over again…

The next date available was Feb 19…Ok….let’s try that date…
No wait…now it is the 20th

There must be a million people trying to get an appointment 

We hit paydirt…

We both got appointments for Feb 23rd

About one week later
My wife received a notification from NJ…
That she could register for an earlier covid shot
She went online and they gave her an appointment for Feb 9th at a different location

As she’s filling out the registration…she is yelling to me…
George…Get online… You may be able to get an earlier appointment

I ran to my computer…went onlineAnd started searching for the siteAgain…
I started filling out the registration
And kept getting bounced off the site

Finally, it said…No more times available

 I was so close… 

Needless to say
Each night I would go online and continue my search…

Are there any dates available to get an earlier covid shot…
I am over 65 and I qualify 

One day I was sitting around waiting to leave the house
And I started to look once again…

I hear the hospitals are starting covid vaccines
Let me see if there are any openings…
I go on a local hospital site and they start by asking
What date would you like to request…

 I put in January 23rd

I started filling out the registration one more time

Hey Janet…I think I have an earlier appointment
Call my sister…tell her to get online

Then…I received a note…
Your vaccination has been scheduled for
 July 23rd
Are you kidding me…

Janet…It was a false alarm
Call Marge…They gave me July 23rd notJanuary 23rd 
So… I continued my search 

Last week, I was still surfing asking myself…
Can I find an earlier date…Maybe I will look at the Hospital site again 

I go onto my account and pull up my appointment
It asked me if I would like to reschedule my appointment 

Hmm, I wonder what happens if I hit this button…


What time would you like on Feb 18th 

OMG…can this be 

I quickly hit the accept button
After much persistenceI am ready to take my first shot…

I know it is only 5 days earlier…
I can already feel my anxiety level dropping…

Today I got my 1st shot…

If you have not signed up…

Give it a Shot…

Every Day is a Gift…