Your time is valuable
Each day we all start out with an agenda and then….
The phone rings or…..
Someone walks into your office
Another fire breaks out
You drop everything
All your energy goes into putting out the fire
Sound familiar
It can leave us all frustrated
What is normal
Is this normal
What are my options
HBS we allow you to do what you do best…


Run your day to day business
Are you getting what you paid for
I have seen many surprised faces in my lifetime
I was told I was only going to pay…….
Are you getting what you paid for
Let us review and validate what you are currently paying
HBS looks at every day cost
That most people take for granted
As the cost of doing business
  • Communication – Voice, Data, Hosted, Cloud, Disaster                                         Recovery
  • Utilities – Natural Gas, Electric
  • Business Taxes – Payroll, Sales, Property
  • Business Insurance – Group Health, Package Policies
HBS will keep you in the driver seat
We are dedicated to providing opportunities
That will lower your cost…
Increase efficiencies….
Grow your bottom line

Remember Your Bandwidth

October 24, 2014

Bandwidth directly correlates to backup and disaster recovery. The need for internet speed is going to keep increasing as more people adopt cloud strategies and move their CRMs, accounting, servers, and more to the cloud. These services are mission critical. In order to make these work, more bandwidth is necessary to create more efficiency.
The need for more bandwidth goes hand in hand with having a good backup and disaster recovery plan. Having a failover – additional connection – gives additional protection. Planning for future growth with additional bandwith is just as important as establishing a good disaster recovery plan.

Life Line

June 7, 2011

The life line to any business is the phone.



It is your connection to the public.


The Customer calls and you are on stage.




My Pop always said,



“That people hear you before they see you.”




What image are you projecting when your clients call?




Some companies place a low priority on this…..




Trying calling Dell, Comcast or Verizon.




All their words tell you they are customer oriented



Geared to handle your issues,



but you are so frustrated by the time you get a chance to
talk to someone!!!


When you finally do get a human voice…



You start to panic…..



Please don’t hang up!!!!



If we get disconnected…..


Can you call me back at 856……….



Is that true customer service?





Service is Key



Companies personally answering each phone call


Is rare these days….


Almost unheard of



Guess what????


HBS has a client who does just that.



Recently, we met with the client who had a 12 year old phone



Yeah, the phones worked….


But we were having trouble finding parts for it



They were dealing with an accident waiting to happen.



When we met with them,


we asked….


What are you looking for a new phone system to do?



Besides the ability to personally answer each call


They were also looking for management tools


  • How long calls were lasting
  • Who is available to answer overflow
  • How many rings does it take to answer
  • How can we get in touch with people who hang up


We took all their suggestions into account and spoke to many
of the phone vendors we deal with to define a solution that would work.


We found a solution with


The new Hosted VOIP system designed by Evolve



It has not only addressed their questions


but their ability to service the client has


Shot thru the roof.



Here are some of the comments we have received



I couldn’t believe we had over 900 calls the other day.


We had 9 people answering the phone in the past;


Now we have up to 15 people available to jump in and help out.



We found that many people hang up after they have been on hold for more than 20 seconds,


Now, we are able to retrieve those #s and call them back up




I was out of town last week and was able to log in remotely to see what was going on in our call



The tools and products now available to business……


Continue to literally evolve.



When VoIP was first introduced;


QOS (quality of service) was a major issue.



Voices sounded delayed, in the distance and always had static.




Hosted VOIP solutions have put these questions to rest.


Clients are now able to ride on the providers’ network and
the results are amazing.



How old is your phone system?


Are you on borrowed time?



HBS represents all the major PBX and Hosted VOIP providers.


We offer a free consultation.



Prices for updating your phone system have never been more




Hosted VOIP solutions


Will revitalize your efforts to


Stay in touch with your clients





For learn more about Hosted VOIP solutions email

Or call 856-757-1230

The Little Things

November 30, 2010

I was driving down the Garden State Parkway a couple of weeks ago and I was enjoying the full color spectrum of the fall trees. Some of the trees were beginning to lose leaves but looking on a mile or so ahead, it presented a beautiful view. 

I really love this time of year and how God uses the landscape to paint a perfect picture. 

Turning onto the Atlantic City Expressway, I started to notice that the picture was fading. No longer could I see the brilliant colors ahead, for the trees were almost bare once I got to mile marker 13.5. 

I was a little surprised, for you would think that the fall splendor is universal in the area? 

I didn’t realize that there exist little pockets; that have their own hours to shine. 

We all must exist on our own timeline! 

What made mile marker 13.5 the breakpoint? 

That started me thinking. All the little things we just take for granted on a daily basis. 

What made me stop and take notice of the difference? 


Because that is part of my character and that is what we do here at HBS. 

We look at the little things, the cost that most companies just take for granted. 

Most of our items are just budgeted for. 

What did we pay last year and how much do you think it may go up? 

     Electric…. Natural Gas…. Voice… Data…. Unemployment Taxes…. Sales Tax 

Need I say more? 

We call these costs the unsung heroes! 

These are daily cost of doing business that most companies tend to ignore. 

We find many people are resistant to change but: 

The only thing constant in life is change!  

Each client is unique. 

Each opportunity opens the door to defining what the client is currently doing; 

Exploring various options and 

Providing solutions, designed to increase efficiency and savings. 

We understand that the current economic climate has been difficult for many businesses. 

HBS provides: 

Smart Solutions for Smart Business

Many times, it is the little things that provide the best opportunities. 

Would you like to know more? Email or call 856-857-1230.

Visit us on the web

3 Ways a Telecom Management System Will Save You Money
By Steve J Murphy

As reported in Ezine Articles

A telecom management system is first and foremost a money saver. If the telecom system cannot provide a clear reason for you to invest your time and money (but, you may not need to pay for the system, more on that later), then why would you pursue it as a strategy? The return on investment, both hard dollar costs and time and energy invested, needs to be clear before the investment is made.

So, where do telecom management systems generate their payback? Telecom systems certainly create efficiencies in terms of automating manual processes within the IT and finance organizations, but our focus is on the hard dollar savings telecom management systems are renown for delivering. These hard dollar savings are in the “indisputable” elements of the telecom program. The hard dollar savings create a solid business case that managers can take to their executives for concurrence to move forward. If the investment element of the telecom system is low or free, then the only expenses that need to be covered before generating a clear return to the company is the set-up effort.

Where do these returns come from? Hard dollar savings can only be generated buy lowering the telecom bills of the user. This lowering can occur one of 3 ways: 1) by reducing the rates that the existing carrier is bill, 2) by changing the services the user is paying for so service is maintain or even enhanced while costs go down, and 3) by introducing new carriers with superior value propositions. A comprehensive telecom management operation will accomplish these three things and more.

Reducing rates charged by an existing carrier can be challenging. After all, you are typically bound by a contract or tariff, reducing the flexibility that the carrier has in changing what is being charged. Getting rates changed is possible, but it requires work on your part and may also force a contract extension. If you are happy with your carrier, a contract extension may be tolerable. The telecom expense reductions seen in this scenario typically range less than 10%, Telecom carriers in a re-negotiation proceeding do not have a significant incentive to reduce rates, so some sort of loyalty discount is typically rolled out. The two remaining methods of reducing your telecom expenses, however, are preferred.

Changing carrier’s services is a very effective means of lowering current spending without interrupting or interfering with an existing telecommunications carrier contract. Evaluating the specific services at each of your locations, determining whether you can simply disconnect a service, consolidating service to more efficient facilities, or up-grading to a newer technology can yield savings of 10% to 20% if the network has not been optimized for quite some time.

The best savings are usually obtained by actually using new telecom service providers to replace existing services with much more competitively priced services. There are many quality service providers that supply similar quality to the larger carriers at rates in excess of 30% below what the larger telecom carriers charge. Strategies are available for every comfort level, so using an alternative carrier to lower your cost can be extremely beneficial.

Consider using a telecom management platform to tie these three strategies together. Platforms that detail telecom inventory, analyze billing trends, as well as provide flexible analytics are best suited to support cost containment and reduction initiatives.

Our perspective:

If left unchecked, voice and data cost can become a major business expense. As the industry continues to evole, the cost of voice and data have become more competitive while the increase efficiencies will take your business to a new level. For too long business has settled for the mediocresy of service provided by the major carriers.  Significant savings can be found by shopping your account.

Hutchinson Business Solutions provides corporate financial solutions. We are an independent broker who represent over 50 of the major voice and data providers.

Each business is unique. We will work with you to find the right provider that will allow you to increase your efficiencies and address your needs.

To learn more contact