It’s Your Money

September 23, 2019

It's your money

When I first meet people
They always ask…

So… what do you do…

I respond…
We save companies money…

That normally gets a positive response…

People like to save money…

Do you have time for a quickie quiz…

How many of you have signed a contract…
Thought you got a good deal
Possibly a great deal and…
Never looked at the paperwork again

Can I see a show of hands…


Yea…. you over there
Is your hand up or are you scratching your head…

It looks like you wanted to put your hand up

Come on…
Let’s be honest
We all have done it…

I believe that all of us have good intentions…

But let’s face it we just get busy

No matter how you planned your day
Something happens and you are once again
Putting out fires

The first thing we do with any potential client
Is validate what they are currently paying

Are you paying the exact rate you signed for…

Believe it or not…
This is not always the case

I have people tell me….
Yea… we signed a contract and I was told
We are paying well below market prices

That is always great to hear
But let’s see if that is their reality…

Do you mind if I see your contract…
And could we also get a copy of your latest bill…

I can’t tell you how many times
We find that people are being charged
The wrong rate
And most of the time it is for more than
What you signed for

We always direct them to call the provider
And clarify…
Why are we paying this higher rate…
Our contract states we should be paying xxxx amount

Guess what the response normally is…

Oh, we’re sorry
That was billed improperly
Let us correct that…

We can give you a credit
Or send you a refund

How nice of them….

If they were under charging you
I bet they would contact you and say
We have a problem

However, if they are over charging you
You don’t hear from them

This is your money…

Don’t be afraid to ask for it…

HBS clients have received thousands of dollars in refunds

Always be aware of what you are paying…

And if you are not sure…
Give us a call

HBS leaves no stone unturned in our search for savings

We find ways to save you money

Where to Look

January 26, 2018

It is always nice to hear good things about our company


When I was on the other side of the table

Looking to make a major purchase or an upgrade

I always made it a point

To get as much information as possible


I was looking to see

Who would be the most qualified

To implement the program or vision

We looked to achieve


I never liked long winded explanations

Just give me the facts


When giving the presentation

Give an apple to apples comparison


That is the only way you can make an objective decision


If a presentation leads to more questions than answers

I found that disheartening


Why am I babbling about this…


Recently…I was delighted

When a client complimented HBS

On the completeness of our presentation


They went on to say…..

We interviewed another broker…

 Their presentation was confusing….

 Leaving more questions than answers….


They felt our proposal was self-explanatory

It provided all the information they needed to know

They liked our attention to detail


Our proposal also noted

What items were under contract

And their expiration dates


Our goal has always been…

Define the client’s needs…

Properly address the client’s needs…

Show value with our solution….

Build a relationship of trust with the client….

Continually educate our clients


Everything we do

Is done with the client’s best interest in mind


HBS has provided substantial savings

To many of the Delaware Valley’s

Most successful firms


Many were surprised to find savings from 20% up to 40% and more


Deregulated Energy…Communication…Unemployment Taxes…Sales Tax…Property Tax


How do we do it…

We know where to look

Looks What’s New

June 27, 2016

— Welcome to the NEW —
Modern, clean and bright.
The first thing you’ll notice is HBS has adopted a new logo
that represents our three core values

service, reliability and savings.
Hutchinson Business Solutions is very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website with a brand new look. The site’s homepage features a clean design with the emphasis on our services to customers. The new website creates a faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly experience.
In today’s market, the competitive advantage belongs to businesses that find smart solutions to the challenges they face. It’s important for us to make information regarding solutions, service and trends accessible for our current and prospective clients. Our new site features an entire section dedicated to case studies and another on testimonials where you see first hand the difference that can be made in your company. If you’d like to know what Hutchinson Business Solutions can do for you, reach out today.
Hutchinson Business Solutions
856-857-1230  |
Connect with us
Hutchinson Business Solutions, 116 N. Haddon Ave., Suite C, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Head in the Cloud

August 19, 2015

I always remember


When I was young


People would say to me



Hey Hutchie…



Get your head out of the clouds



Now it seems



Everyone is asking about the cloud




Does this mean….



I was ahead of my time????





What is the cloud?




What are the advantages?




Would it work for our business?




Is it affordable?





Cloud technology is revolutionizing the


Voice and data industry


Learn how the cloud can revolutionize your business





Want learn more?



Give us a call



Send us an email




HBS represents all the major providers



Who are leading the cloud evolution








Providing Smart Solutions for Smart Business

Remember Your Bandwidth

October 24, 2014

Bandwidth directly correlates to backup and disaster recovery. The need for internet speed is going to keep increasing as more people adopt cloud strategies and move their CRMs, accounting, servers, and more to the cloud. These services are mission critical. In order to make these work, more bandwidth is necessary to create more efficiency.
The need for more bandwidth goes hand in hand with having a good backup and disaster recovery plan. Having a failover – additional connection – gives additional protection. Planning for future growth with additional bandwith is just as important as establishing a good disaster recovery plan.