O Holy Night

December 19, 2019

choir boys Dec 2019

How many of you like to sing?

When I was in 5th grade I decided to join the choir. We would meet at the school gym at 7:30 in the morning on Tuesday and Thursdays and once again on Friday nights in the choir loft at the front of the church. Our job was to sing the 11:45 am High Mass 3 Sundays a month and sing all the Religious Holidays.

I can always remember standing in the pew while I was singing and looking up at a special set of steps that was in the front of the choir loft. Christ the King had a men and boys choir and the men would be standing on the steps in front of us. At times, Mr. Curia would pick some of the choirboys to join the men up on the steps.

Were they the better singers….. I was never picked.

I always thought I was doing a good job…I was singing my heart out.

I must admit, I loved singing in the choir. My Mom would always say, I could hear your voice today, it sounded beautiful.

But Mom, you are not supposed to hear me, I am supposed to blend. Oh George, don’t be silly, you help make the choir better.

Isn’t she sweet….. That reminds me of the song….Don’t say nothing bad about my baby…. Mom was always positive and loving. Her children were the apple of her eye and I was her little boy.

Our big sing was always Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Not only were we able to stay up late on Christmas Eve but when I got home my parents would let me open 1 present before I went to bed. When I was in 8th grade Mr. Curia selected me to do the solo in front of the whole church at Midnight Mass. I sang….

O Holy Night.

What a thrill. It has to be one of my all-time favorite songs and still gives me the chills every time I hear it around Christmas. I still remember, Mr Curia saying… It is time George…

I slowly walked out to the front of the Church and then it was me and the organ. I heard the intro, I was a bit nervous, I took a slow deep breath and began to sing. I was in a complete zone and my voice just carried and took over….. I nailed it.

After Midnight Mass we all went back to my Grand Mom Hutch’s house. The kitchen table was full of coffee, tea and assortment of cakes and cookies. Besides my parents, several of my aunts and uncles also were there. My Grandmother said… “George you sounded beautiful tonight; can you sing O Holy Night again for us”….

You didn’t have to asked me twice. I smiled and started an accapella version for the family. What a thrill. I couldn’t stop smiling.

Looking back, I have a lot of great memories growing up and celebrating Christmas with the family.

May you and your family have a Merry Christmas and cherish the memories of being together. May they bring a smile to your face.